Tips for Choosing Cleaning Services for Your Business

Cleanliness during these times couldn’t be more important, but finding the time to keep your office or commercial location clean yourself can be immensely challenging. And even then, consistently keeping it clean (especially when so many high-touch surfaces need to be regularly wiped down) can be exhausting. That’s where commercial cleaning services can help.

However, you’ll want to choose a cleaning company that works with your needs. We break down the main aspects you’ll want to consider when choosing a cleaning services company.

Young businessman working in clean office

Evaluating Cleaning Services: Assess What You’ll Actually Need

Like many businesses, not all cleaning companies offer the same services. One company’s cleaning package may include window washing while another may offer hazardous waste collection. Consider the essential cleaning services you actually want to have done in your location. Once you’ve decided on those, look into any additional services you also want or may get as part of signing up with a cleaning business and decide on what you’d like.

Depending on your company values or needs, you may also want to look into if the cleaning company you’re interested in uses environmentally-friendly products or harsh chemicals. If part of your company’s core values includes being caring toward the environment, choosing a commercial business that also cares about it too naturally makes sense.

If people in your workplace have allergies to certain chemicals you’ll also want to make sure those aren’t used to keep your employees safe.

Check on Reviews and Referrals

One of the best ways to find a good cleaning company is by checking on what people are saying in reviews. However, it’s important to take negative reviews with a grain of salt, if 10 people are saying it’s great and 1 person gave them a poor review, that’s not truly an indication of a bad business.

Reach out to other companies as well. It’s highly likely many of them use commercial cleaners as well and may have some insight or recommendations for cleaners that they’ve really liked working with or are still using their services.

Investigate Their Experience

While experience isn’t necessarily indicative of a good or bad business, it can be a good sign of how well-trained a team is. Being around for longer, a cleaning company may have additional licenses, insurance, or certifications newer companies may not have.

An experienced company may also be better at handling certain kinds of cleaning operations and may be more versatile in what they offer.

Man washing windows of business

Look Into Their Flexibility

Depending on your business, you may need cleaning at irregular hours or very late in the evening. You’ll want to look for a company that can either accommodate your request or works within the hours you need cleaning done.

Keep in mind, cleaning is often a somewhat noisy task. Therefore, it makes sense then to have cleaners come in during the least busy period of your workday. Alternatively, it’s also a good idea to have commercial cleaning done when no staff are working there (if that’s possible).

No matter what timeframe you choose, making sure you get regular cleaning done is important. Cleaning, in general, is best done as frequently as makes sense. Not only can this make your clients and customers feel more comfortable in your business. It also shows the level of care and attention you take to ensure your clientele are safe and you care about attention to detail.

Overall, choosing cleaning services for your business is straightforward and can save a ton of time. Not only do you get the peace of mind that your location is safe and clean, but it also improves the look of it too.



With over 16 years of commercial cleaning industry experience, you can count on us to get your business cleaned right.